Thursday, November 20, 2014

GOP Senator Says Obama’s Immigration Speech Could Trigger Some Kind of White Ferguson

Retiring Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, in an interview with USA Today’s Susan Page yesterday, seemed to both warn about and threaten white violence against President Obama's executive action on immigration reform, saying the president's speech Thursday night could provoke "violence” and “anarchy." He even suggested that the reaction could parallel the demonstrations and violence in Ferguson, Missouri.
Page asked what will be the reaction of Republicans in Washington, and Coburn acted as if it’s not the GOP that will be upset (‘cause, you know, they’re such a even-keeled bunch: Alabama Representative Mo Brooks actually thinks Obama could end up in jail, as well as impeached). Rather, it’s all those regular folks out there who will be terribly disappointed that the president isn’t working with Congress.
“Oh, I don’t think it’s so much a Republican reaction here,” Coburn said. “The country’s going to go nuts. Because they are going to see it as a move outside of the authority of the president. And it’s going to be a very dangerous situation. You’re going to see—hopefully not—but you could see instances of anarchy."
why do they instigate this type of dissent that is born of bigotry we know hate drives their world but it does not for the majority of Americans by making these assertions they are telling us what their party really stands for segregation, discrimination and separation.  they say Pres. is trying to divide us and their is no racism just one of the two words they changed republicanism all inclusive and all of the above.  
calling him names denoting kingdom and emperors and tyrannical entities when they have been unwillingly and willfully refusing to do their jobs as elected they assumed another job description get Obama at any cost or any lie. Mr. Beohner, where are those 2010 promised jobs??  he is serving "we the people" the same "we the people" republicans abamndoned in order to pursue and undo this President.
they again instead of working with him try to stir up violence in their opposition remember compromise in republican means "Democrats do what republicans want".  also remember they armed the crazies that would commit violence