Why any ostensibly rational person living in Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, or Louisiana who saw this map, and still would think their states' Republican leaders' policies were delivering the economic growth their region so sorely needs is beyond comprehension.
The toughest places to live in America
Almost every county in the U.S. has its share of haves and have-nots. But there are some regions where it's just plain harder for Americans to thrive, places where the poor far outnumber those living in middle-class comfort.
Ten counties in America stand out as the most challenging places to live, based on a survey of six criteria including median household income, disability rate and life expectancy, according to an analysis by The New York Times.
The county with the dubious distinction of being the worst of all is Clay County, Kentucky, where residents can expect to die six years earlier than the average American.
The other four counties ranked at the bottom of the survey include four counties in the rural south: Humphreys County, Mississippi; East Carroll Parish, Louisiana; Jefferson County, Georgia; and Lee County, Arkansas. The findings highlight an often overlooked issue in the debate about income inequality -- the stubbornness of rural poverty. In the U.S., the number of poor rural residents outnumber those in the cities, with 14 percent of rural Americans living below the poverty line, compared with 12 percent in urban areas, according to the International Fund for Agricultural Development's Rural Poverty Portal.
Of course you'd never get an inkling of any of this from watching Fox Noise. The right's hired boobs like to characterize America's urban areas as teeming with desperately poor people.he's right you won't hear disturbing info like this on any right wing media, they have had a plan in place since the Nixon WH with Foxes Roger Ailes to influence the way you vote which is still in acted and don't forget G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on", right wing voters you've been punked big time for decades.