Monday, October 27, 2014

The 11 top lies of Mitch 'Myth' McConnell
CARTOON: McConnell hears voices
With Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell facing a tough re-election battle back home in Kentucky, Washington Post columnist and Fox News regular George Will rushed to the defense of his fellow human-turtle hybrid. Returning the 30-year veteran to Capitol Hill, Will proclaimed, is about nothing less than the "restoration of the Senate's dignity."
Will's warning would be hilarious if it weren't so grotesque. Mitch McConnell, after all, is the man most responsible for the GOP's unprecedented obstructionism during President Obama's tenure. Under his leadership, Senate Republicans shattered the record for filibusters and blocked Obama's judicial and executive branch nominees at rates unimaginable before 2009. Nevertheless, the same Mitch McConnell who on November 4, 2010, declared, "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president," less than a year later complained about Democrats' "storyline" that "there must be some villain out there who's keeping this administration from succeeding."
Whether he's discussing taxes, health care, the economy, the debt, or pretty much anything else, virtually all of Myth McConnell's talking points are tried—and untrue.
I fail to understand why the general consensus seems to be a republican sweep their numbers are lower than Pres.'s, they are notably the one's gumming up everything and preventing all things needed to help the economy and jobs they promised in 2010, refuse to do the job they ran for and told us so third finger waving, commonsense says it's all a bunch of misleading's and with our turn out Nov. 4th we get to watch Rove and the gang meltdown again.
a no vote get's you what you deserve no representation where as a vote will get you a party that cares about you not so hard when you look at it from a real tip.

  1. "The [Kynect] Website Can Continue, But In My View the Best interests of the Country Would Be Achieved by Pulling Out Obamacare Root and Branch."
  2. 47 Million Uninsured Americans "Don't Go Without Health Care."
  3. "Any President's Judicial Nominees, After Full Debate, Deserve a Simple Up-or-Down Vote."
  4. "Obama Made the Economy Worse."
  5. Public Sector Layoffs Are a "Local" Problem
  6. "No Evidence Whatsoever That the Bush Tax Cuts Actually Diminished Revenue."
  7. "Punishing Job Creators."
  8. "We Look a Lot Like Greece Already."
  9. The Debt Ceiling "Is a Hostage That's Worth Ransoming."
  10. The Public Option "May Cost You Your Life."
  11. Democrats Are "Sticking It to Seniors with Cuts to Medicare."
check article for an explanation breakdown