Monday, September 8, 2014

What's Wrong With U.S. Foreign Policy?
Obama bashing has been one of the characteristics of the 2014 midterm election. For the last few months the president was accused of lacking foreign policy leadership. Republicans blamed Obama for deteriorating conditions in Iraq and Syria, implying the president is solely responsible for the bad news. What's wrong with U.S. foreign policy?
It helps to consider the historical course of our foreign policy. Before World War II, American foreign policy was guided by colonialism. We were the dominant power in this sector of the world and considered North and South America to be within our sphere of influence -- Europe, in particular, should stay away. This policy worked well for American business interests, less so for advocates of democracy.
In World War II we used our beefed-up military forces to defeat the Axis and established ourselves as the number one world power. With the Marshall Plan, our foreign policy shifted towards spreading democracy across the globe. During the Cold War this meant that if a country adopted socialism, it was the enemy. (In 1953 the U.S. fomented a coup in Iran that overthrew a pro-democracy, socialist regime.)
When America entered the Vietnam War, our initial objective was to defeat the forces of North Vietnam and introduce democracy to the unified country. Our loss had a negative impact on our perspective and since 1973 U.S. foreign policy has been reactive; we've been less interested in spreading democracy.
that sounds like America became the global bully and like most bullies when they lose they withdraw and no longer seek the stage that viewed them as a loser, remember Mike Tyson after he loss to Buster Douglas he admitted he lost his killer instinct and just wasn't interested any more in boxing.
I don't think America was ever unilaterally loved by other powers.
 I think we were feared not the same, those that saw us as benefactors but not really loved you can't bomb all to hell a country than go back and build it up killing families and friends and because you decide to try and make it up IMO only builds resentment and republican buster attitudes waving the saber just increase the contempt.  the admonished Pres. saying he was going around apologizing for America which he didn't but somebody should have.

Bush and the boyz drove our military in the ground with so many  double and triple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, doesn't matter their saying Americans are war weary the troops are the ones they should have considered. now depleted they are still talking war and none of those voices have to go and probably get their kid out of it too.

The Bush administration justification for the 2003 invasion of Iraq initially focused on short-term security issues: "[remove] a regime that developed and used weapons of mass destruction, that harbored and supported terrorists, committed outrageous human rights abuses, and defied the just demands of the United Nations and the world." Later strategic interests were included: "to change the Middle East so as to deny support for militant Islam by pressuring or transforming the nations and transnational systems that support it." The security phase had detailed planning. The strategic phase made a weak attempt to introduce democracy to the region.

This grim reality explains why Americans are unhappy with our foreign policy, especially the situation in the Middle East -- the death of the promise of "Arab Spring." In the minds of most Americans our foreign policy is based upon our use of overwhelming military power buttressed by the rationale that when we send in the marines we are paving the way for democracy.
The first U.S. foreign policy problem is obvious: it's not working. We've been unable to bring democratic stability to the Middle East.
The second problem is that Washington politicians are unwilling to explain why our foreign policy isn't working. Instead they blame Obama -- although he wasn't the one who created the problem -- and argue we should send thousands of our troops back into the region. Few politicians are willing to tell the truth: the U.S. is responsible for the mess in the Middle East.  
The third U.S. foreign policy problem is that the world Americans desire to create for others should reflect the world we have created for ourselves. But, at this moment, American democracy is not strong. We cannot offer a shining beacon of hope for the world because we have substantial problems. Many of our citizens lack meaningful employment and adequate housing, food, and health care. Many of our children go to bed hungry and are receiving a sub-standard education. Many of our cities are overcrowded and polluted. Many of our citizens do not trust the government and, in particular, their local police force. These problems can be fixed, but Americans understand that we should not be touting democracy overseas when our own democracy is struggling.

the facts are some of us are indifferent till it sounds like it's getting close to home, others are all to willing to listen for someone to blame regardless to whether it's the right person, others just want someone to do the worrying for them and if they feel worried about something they have had their heads in the sand till now they lash out at the popular whipping boy because there they feel safe that enough are with them they won't be ostracized.  Pres. fits that mold perfectly for them.  again America does not deserve the Pres. they turn on you to quick and avoid the reasons that really create their angst.  I've said before we are not who and what we try to sell these countries we've destroyed then tried to rebuild in our image, trouble is that image is born of a God complex and they see through it and resist. we have as many if not more problems then those we try to help.