Friday, September 5, 2014

The Obamacare News That Republicans Don’t Want You To Hear About


Health insurance premiums across 15 states and the District of Columbia will fall in 2015, a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds. The analysis, which examined the second-lowest cost silver plan in the marketplaces, concludes that subsidy-eligible individuals “whose income does not change will generally pay a little less to enroll in the second-lowest cost silver plan in 2015 than they did if they enrolled in the second-lowest cost plan in 2014.”
Silver plans cover approximately 70 percent of enrollees’ health expenses on average.
Kaiser chart
CREDIT: Kaiser Family Foundation
The authors attribute the premium decreases to stronger competitive forces in the exchange marketplaces — more insurers choosing to offer health care coverage — and the expectation that healthier beneficiaries will enroll in 2015. However, health care premiums will vary across the country — and across the nation’s 500 rating areas — meaning that some customers could experience increases. One analysis of available data from PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts an average increase of 8.2 percent in 29 states and Washington D.C.

okay point being this proves again the republicans are liars that tried to dissuade Americans from getting better heal care at reduced prices and more in the policies being bought. not a train wreck or my favorite "AN ABOMINATION" think about that wanting to give Americans better health care at a lower out of pocket cost is an abomination really so that poster a democrat had in 2012 that said "republican health care plan die early".

The report comes in the wake of a Congressional Budget Office analysis from April, which found that premiums for Obamacare coverage are lower than the federal government had anticipated. As a result, the office estimated that that the law will cost the government $5 billion less than projected in 2014 and $104 billion less for the 2015-2024 period. The cost could decrease even further in 2015, since the law’s tax credits are tied to the second-lowest-cost silver plans.

The second enrollment period begins on Nov. 15. The CBO projects that 13 million people will sign up for coverage.

looks like Dem dino's are running away prematurely as this thing is kickin' butt and tyhey can't deny it any longer well the can and will but keep in mind more lies in their binder full of 'em.