Sunday, September 14, 2014

The conservative answer to Obamacare: privatize Medicaid and Medicare and make us pay more

Patients wait for their wristband number to be called at the Remote Area Medical clinic in Los Angeles, April 29, 2010.  Organizers hope to bring free medical, dental and vision care to more than 8,000 uninsured and underinsured people in the week they ar

This week House Republicans are messing around with yet another bill that would do something to damage Obamacare. This time, they want to allow insurers to keep selling shitty policies that don't cover all of the stuff that the law requires until 2019. Because what's another five years of people being underinsured and going into bankruptcy because of it? While they're dithering around with it, their most serious thinker on healthcare policy has been working on an actual plan that would replace Obamacare, in the event that Republicans could actually get their act together and achieve consensus on a plan.
But what Avik Roy, a writer at Forbes and the conservative Manhattan Institute and Mitt Romney's healthcare advisor, has come up with looks an awful lot like Obamacare. Except for the part where it forces people off of Medicare and Medicaid and into the private market. And the part where it would no longer be the Affordable Care Act. So says the Los Angeles Times' Michael Hiltzik.
How would the new exchange plans differ from those mandated by the ACA? For one thing, they would allow a broader range of premiums based on age, changing from the ACA's 3-to-1 limit to as much as 6-to-1. This would make the plans much more expensive for older customers.
Roy would make all the plans stingier. The "actuarial value" of the current ACA plans ranges from 60% for the bronze tier -- that's the percentage of average healthcare costs covered by the plan -- to 90% for a gold plan. Roy would cut that to 40% to 85%. The benchmark silver plans would fall from 70% actuarial value to 55%. Roy would set the annual deductible for those plans at $7,000 for individuals and $14,000 for families. That could mean a huge expense for many families -- in California, the standard silver-tier deductible is $2,000 per person and $4,000 per family.
That expense would be moderated by subsidies for lower-income Americans, but Roy would cut those too -- instead of subsidies available to households up to 400% of the federal poverty line, he would stop them at 317%.
Roy's plan doesn't necessarily make healthcare delivery in the U.S. more efficient or cheaper overall. It reduces the burden on the federal budget by shifting costs to individuals, who may not be able to shoulder them.
they have called ACA a train wreck, a job killer, Bachmann, a person killer and my all time favorite "an abomination", they either look at you as something that is so horrible to give you health care would be an abomination to man kind, or they think you are too stupid to recognize that is their implication.  on the other hand since they and their families have it they are not the crazy zombies that we are and they called Pres. elite.



[uh-bom-uh-ney-shuh n]
anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred.
intense aversion or loathing; detestation:
He regarded lying with abomination.
a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.:
Spitting in public is an abomination.
can you think of any better words to describe you or your affordable health care because that isn't what Pres. calls it?