"You will learn a lot, and you'll have fun doing it!" the flyer reads.
The class will also touch on topics like "'No comment' is a comment" and "managing media assault and battery."Americans is your face stinging from the hypocritical slap by racist police and their local gov't? entertaining fun they just let the world know how unserious they are taking this murder and past and future ones. they have a handbook obviously just composed in recent weeks on "how to talk your way out of a murder with witnesses on the news"? why don't they employ another plan like thou shalt not kill, EXODUS 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness those two alone would go a long way to "win with the media and a plus the people too".
The St. Louis County and Municipal Police Academy will offer a course for police offers in October to teach them how to "win with the media" when dealing with the aftermath of an officer-involved shooting.
"You will learn a lot, and you'll have fun doing it!" the flyer reads.
The class will also touch on topics like "'No comment' is a comment" and "managing media assault and battery."fun with homicide mayhem and murder 101 who teaches the class the imperial wizard?