Saturday, September 13, 2014

Scott Walker Just Stabbed Irony in the Back (+ More John Doe News - UPDATE)

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker addresses members of the media and volunteers with the state's Republican Party during a stop at the Madison GOP field office in Madison, Wis., Wednesday, July 23, 2014. (AP Photo/Wisconsin State Journal, John Hart)

You have to hand it to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R-It's Never My Fault).  He's got moon-sized balls.  Last week it was revealed that Wisconsin is facing a $1.8 billion deficit, yet today Walker puts out an ad that claims he's "solved" a big budget deficit.  He's hoping that voters have forgotten how that 2011 deficit really came into being and jobs were lost (world-wide economic collapse, anyone?).  He also hopes his new shiny ad diverts attention from the brand new massive budgetary hole he caused all by himself along with his failure to keep his one major campaign promise - create 250,000 new jobs in his first term (he's not even half way there).

Even worse (for Walker) was the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial (yes, surprising because usually carry Walkers water) that said Walker needs to own up to the budget deficit and stop blaming others.
It shows Walker standing in a big hole wearing the typical Republican campaign costume (long sleeved, non-white, sleeves rolled up shirt with no tie).

Sorry, folks, I can't embed it.  That's been disabled "by the owner of the video", Friends of Scott Walker (Walkers campaign organization.  It WAS embeddable earlier as seen on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel blog post, but now won't even play there.  But, oops, they forgot to disable the comments the way they normally do and the 4 comments already posted are LMAO funny so it's worth clicking the link to view the video.
And that "deficit" Walker claims fell in his lap?  Well, he created it himself with tax breaks to business when he became Governor.  It was a deficit he needed so he would be "forced" to present a Budget Repair Bill in 2011, the one he called "dropping the bomb" in a recorded phone call with someone he thought was one of the Koch Brothers.  The Budget Repair Bill that led to weeks of massive protests and recalls when he used it not for budgetary repair, but to punish his enemies:  public employee unions, cities, minorities, and poor and people.

this guy either has a genie in a bottle or a do drop inn in the Koch's back pocket.  it's inconceivable that he could fix a 1.8 billion deficit in a week legally, and that deficit he blames on others well he did beat down that recall and that too took mega bucks and a lot of skullduggery.  this guy is against all that his party is and all of it is detrimental to you your health and your work yet there are those that still vote for him even though they don't get donut or a cookie out of it, how stupid is that I vuess it's as stupid as the party of stupidest. 
turnout and vote I know it looks dismal but everything gets old and worn and "EXPOSED" sooner or later, how soon depends on WI voters.