Monday, September 15, 2014

POLITICO poll: Race relations same or worse under Obama

President Barack Obama is pictured. | AP Photo
Forty-six percent say race relations have worsened since Obama took office in 2009. | AP Photo
 Only 6 percent of voters in battleground elections this fall say race relations have improved under the first African-American president — and nearly half say they’ve gotten worse, according to a new POLITICO poll.
A survey of voters in the most competitive midterm states and districts of the cycle found that 46 percent say race relations have worsened since Barack Obama took office in 2009, while 48 percent say they have remained the same and 6 percent say the dynamic has improved. The poll was conducted Aug. 29-Sept. 7, following weeks of racial tension in Ferguson, Missouri after a white police officer shot an unarmed African-American teenager.
Among white voters, 49 percent say relations are worse and 4 percent say they are better. Forty seven percent of both white and African-American voters say they are the same. Thirteen percent of African-Americans say they have improved, while 38 percent say relations are worse
Among Hispanic voters, 14 percent say relations have improved, 30 percent say they have worsened and 56 percent say they have stayed the same.

all these facts are nice for archives but real time that 49% isn't that the percent Romney got from voters, from before he took office White republicans gathered in those closed door rooms they tried to accuse Dems of having they make thee accusations from experience, their own they do it then try to pin their tales on the Pres.  he leaned over backwards enough to break in half offering that proverbial olive branch, they in turn shed the leaves and used it as a switch that they have been beating him with every since.
they suppress Black voters they kill Black unarmed innocents, they take food stamps from poor families they refuse health care they make all kinds of degrading remarks about Black and Hispanics, they lie about our duly elected Pres. being American and make racist cracks like "I wish he'd learn to be an American" that will never happen their interpretation of American does not fit that 51% of the population.

so yes it's worse, same and not improving although more Americans obviously wanted it to be with his election but the 49% want to keep things as they were racist and bigoted. so if that condition exist and it does we know who is closing the door and it's not Pres. or his fault.  so the title under Obama is misleading correction under republicans and right wing.

surveys are meaningless if you are not asked the straight questions and they are only asked of a select group, that is another thing that creates the divide of  America.  with all he has done inspite of them Americans are still ungrateful and some still hateful. 

I think too many Black people look at this as if not for him they wouldn't be so arrogantly mean spirited their racism is on them not him, the trade off you vote republican it will really hit the fan they will punish us all they are doing now will blow up if they were in charge with no impediments. house and senate and they will have taken the country back all the way and their base will be in that same barrel with the rest of us.