Obamacare is so doomed, so destined to be a complete failure that collapses under its own weight, that it attracted a boatload of new insurance companies to the exchanges for 2015.
The number of insurers set to sell health plans on Obamacare exchanges in the upcoming open-enrollment period is 25 percent higher than for 2014, as 77 issuers jump into that market, federal officials revealed Tuesday.Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said the boost in insurers willing to sell the new form of health insurance starting Nov. 15 is "a real sign that the Affordable Care Act is working." […]The 77 new issuers will be joining insurers that sell plans in 43 states and the District of Columbia where data about insurance participation was available, HHS said. Those states include the 36 states whose residents bought plans on the federal Obamacare exchange, as well as eight states that are operating their own health exchanges.
So that's what "socialized" Obamacare gets you—a whole bunch of private insurance companies that see the opportunity for a lot of new customers and profits.
so my one question is if the republicans started out defending insurance co.'s and now obviously the companies see the advantage and money making potential with more people engaged and express their satisfaction with ACA WHO THE HELL ARE THE REPUBLICANS STILL FIGHTING OBAMACARES FOR????????????????????????