Saturday, September 6, 2014

Obama Enlists 9 Allies to Help in the Battle Against ISIS

NEWPORT, Wales — President Obama escalated the American response to the marauding Islamic State in Iraq and Syria on Friday, recruiting at least nine allies to help crush the organization and offering the outlines of a coordinated military strategy that echoes the war on terror developed by his predecessor, George W. Bush, more than a decade ago.
In his most expansive comments to date about how the United States and its friends could defeat ISIS, a once-obscure group of Sunni militants that has now upended the Middle East and overshadowed Al Qaeda, Mr. Obama said the effort would rely on American airstrikes against its leaders and positions, strengthen the moderate Syrian rebel groups to reclaim ground lost to ISIS, and enlist friendly governments in the region to join the fight.

had this been a republican Pres. we would neck deep in all the mayhem that those same republican brought to us before and after 911 that is all they have been pushing armed aggression while our Pres. gives it a good going over before leaping unlike them who constantly leap without looking one day the pool will be empty.

Mr. Obama has been under enormous pressure to articulate a way to counter ISIS, which has proclaimed itself an Islamic caliphate that knows no borders and has demonstrated ruthless behavior, including the videotaped beheadings of two Americans. After creating a political tempest by saying last week that his administration lacked a strategy, Mr. Obama sought on Friday to portray himself as spearheading the effort.

that is stupid if he appeases the congress who are telling the people they need to know when in reality none of us are going to be involved so we don't need to know but what it does is alerts the ISISL and their cohorts to what the plan is God Bless our Pres. he has the sense enough to know this that i believe is why he's been evasive.  republicans want him to fail at any cost including deaths by war deficit draining so they can have something to run on 2016 don't be apart of the party of stupid  the affects can be permanent.