Thursday, September 18, 2014

No one could have predicted Hobby Lobby decision would be used to protect FLDS against labor laws.
Remember Hobby Lobby?  That corporate use of personal religious freedom to make decisions about employees' benefits?  
Guess what?  Did anyone really think that decision would stay put and never been seen again?  Because Wheaton College decision came out 3 days later?  But still, maybe, just maybe it could have been buried.  
But wait!  The Fundamentalist LDS, have decided not to pay kids to harvest pecans.  The Department of Labor is investigating labor violations.  FLDS leaders claim they do not have to testify because "religious freedom."  
So I wonder what else the FLDS have religious freedom for?  Perhaps child sex assault?  Do we need to let Warren Jeffs out of prison because of "religious freedom"?
Do Lutherans have the same protection?  How about followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Judge David Sam is in a federal court, and overruled another judge who was a magistrate.  I am not a lawyer and welcome the help of lawyers to explain this better.  It just seems to be that "religious freedom" just became a huge legal reason to not do anything you didn't feel like doing. 
i believe he's late religious freedom as used by those on the right wing has always been their fall back to do or not to do whatever they wanted.  it has been their crying point that they are being trampled on while things like hobby are doing just that to it's employees.  this is just those who oppose taking advantage if not complicit with the right wing job denials.  
if jobs are few and far between they can run rough shod over it's employees because they have no where else to go for work.  eliminate the roads and only leave the one that leads to them republican playbook page 1, when you only have one horse in town you all can't ride at the same time so riders are backed up like the lines seeking jobs and i defy anyone to say other than a bribe that they've gotten one job from republicans after 2010 promise.