Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Momentum Moves Towards Democrats As Republicans Get Worried About the 2014 Election



Republicans have moved beyond nervousness and into flat out worry as the nation heads into the homestretch of the 2014 election. At the House level, Republicans are being outspent and their candidates are underperforming compared to 2010.
Politico interviewed a dozen Democratic and Republican strategists who all agreed that at best Republicans will pick up five seats in the House.
The strategists also agreed on other main points,
Republicans are convinced they’ll be significantly outspent by Democrats — in contrast to the 2010 midterm election when the GOP overwhelmed their opponents with an avalanche of cash.
GOP strategists are particularly worried about the performance of a handful of candidates who are well positioned to win but seen as running poor campaigns. Three candidates are mentioned repeatedly: Florida Rep. Steve Southerland, Nebraska Rep. Lee Terry and Virginia Republican Barbara Comstock.
Nearly a year after the government shutdown, Republicans privately say the party’s tattered public image is dragging down candidates in key races.
their problem is their "PRINCIPLES" formerly know as "VALUES",  JUST BECAUSE THEY CHANGED THE NAME DOES NOT CHANGE THEIR MOTIVES.  they will forever flounder as long as they can't get out of their own quagmire of deceit and arrogance and hostility to all who they see as different when they look in a mirror.  White political haters and bribes attract the same type constituents thank God they are few in numbers.  this counters all the poll quoting crap that they have such a good chance to take over everything again are we going to let someone else dictate our future or our motivation?  Nov. 4th be there.