Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mike Huckabee's head-scratching advice to Christian voters

Poverty and hard decisions go hand-in-hand.
n Friday, former Arkansas governor and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee dispensed some dubious advice to voting ChristiansI would urge pastors to get in the pulpit and call people to Biblical truth as it relates to the issue of life and marriage, and even the issue of stewardship, and never be apologetic and say, 'Vote the Bible in your own heart.'[…] I hear people say sometimes, 'Vote your pocketbook.' Well, if you vote the scripture you'll ultimately benefit your pocketbook, because everything about the economy that's wrong would be fixed if people had a Biblical understanding of the economy and a Biblical understanding of personal stewardship and responsibility. [Huckabee]
It's an important glimpse into the agenda of a Christian broadcasting heavyweight who just might have presidential aspirations in the 2016 race. But what exactly does Huckabee mean by "a Biblical understanding of personal stewardship and responsibility"?
Typically when faced with the question of welfare, conservatives point out that Jesus never directly commanded the use of taxes to support the poor, arguing, as Bill O'Reilly has, that Jesus only intended private charity to support the poor. Therefore, the logic goes, there is no Christian obligation to support welfare programs, only one to help poor people in general.
But Huckabee takes a different approach. He suggests that "personal stewardship" and "responsibility" are the Christian virtues that voters should encourage — by which he basically means they should target government programs, like welfare, at the ballot box. Tying personal responsibility to welfare cuts has been an ongoing message for Huckabee. Just look at what he said on Fox News in 2012:
[Welfare is] basically just a transfer of money from the taxpayer to the government, from the government to people who become beneficiaries of the government, because that way the government can own these people...It is a trap, and it is like the roach motel. Once you get in, but you never get out. [Huckabee via Politico]
not sounding very christian like, these guys that go off the republican trail and make these stomp speeches in direct conflict with the party philosophy are not going to be able to do what they say even if they meant it because it is not the party mantle and votes would not be there, remember Beohner being embarrassed and having to refuse to bring stuff to the floor from his own mouth "we didn't have enough votes, i'm not going to bring something to the floor with not enough votes to pass it" paraphrased.
this guy is a charlatan a Elmer Gantry wannabe i posted awhile back his IMO promoting fraud among his flock here is that post;

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hello, seen Huckabees commercial to get people to join and sign a petition to kill Pres. Obama's healthcare, "it will destroy the country, here's the criminal part "if you already called or sign do it again" is that the kind of voter fraud they are trying to make Americans collusive to a lie and fraud.  Now they are expanding it, to kill progressive vote with this gov't ID. only fraud is in their backyard