Thursday, September 4, 2014

Does a Supreme Court Justice just say, "oops"?

Today in NC two innocent men were freed 30 years after being wrongfully convicted of murder.  Which means for thirty years the innocent 11 year old girl left lying in a field after being raped and suffocated to death didn't get justice. Which means that for thirty years the real killer did not pay for his crime.  Which means that for thirty years, the real killer was able to destroy the lives of even more innocent people.
Both men, who have IQ's below 70 falsely confessed to crime.  As is usual in these situations, they confessed after hours and hours of pressure, locked in a room.  Contrary to what people believe, people do confess to crimes they didn't commit.
According to a University of Virginia report released Aug. 21, nearly 20 percent of defendants who have been exonerated by DNA evidence had falsely confessed to the crime.
people in their position are dogged into confessions just to make it stop the cops want a quick fix so as usual blame it on the intellectually challenged Black guys, or they know who's guilty but choose to protect them.  they say ignorance is no excuse for the law but in cases like this in areas like this it is reason to falsely accuse and convict.  I think with Feds knee deep in Ferguson there might be a little bit of a thought past the accusations and prosecutions.  with all those set free because of DNA proof of innocents you would think a truly law and order system would require more proof but that's in a more perfect world not today's America.

30 years incarceration is unconscionable but when you are faced with racist cops that do because they can you have no cards to play.  hopefully DSOJ investigations will re-deal the cards with a fresh deck.