Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: Anti-Obamacare House candidate won't say if she's on Obamacare


Marilinda Garcia

Leading Off:
 NH-02: Well, the Club for Growth sure drafted quite the piece of work up in New Hampshire. State Rep. Marilinda Garcia, who just won the GOP primary to take on Democratic Rep. Annie Kuster, absolutely loves to holler about how awful Obamacare is, which is exactly what you'd expect from a cookie-cutter tea partier nominated with hefty Club support. Only the local public radio station just managed to get Garcia to choke pretty hard on those cookie crumbs:
But when asked about her own health care coverage, Garcia demurred.
Garcia: "I… that's my own issue."
NHPR: "So you don't want to say?"
Garcia: "No that's fine, I don't need to share everything."
NHPR: "I bet it will come up again. Probably that's something the media will want to know, with you making health care an issue in your campaign."
Garcia: "My constituents talk to me so I am not here running on my own issues. I am expressing what they come up with."
NHPR: "Is it fair to say you are not getting your health care through Obamacare, through the (federal) exchange?"
Garcia: "I don't need to talk about that. Thank you."
typical, republicans are always coming out against the party talking point old and older but never having the information to respond intelligently about it, which indicates it's not really their point but a party point passed around to keep them all in lockstep with the misinformation.

this issue being a big part of her campaign you would think she would be the first to say "no, i have.... insurance, but she choose to circle that proverbial bush and avoid the answer.  i don't believe the spokesperson who claimed she didn't have ObamaCares but check out the denial it specifically says "under federal plan", does not mean she still didn't have it through an exchange under a private plan since all were subject to laws under the ACA they are by default OBAMACARES.

they have beat this down for 6 years now and still don't have a plan other than rebuked Ryan voucher plan which they tried to reanimate a while back to no avail.  i wrote this on this blog,

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Hello,what if all the republicans against healthcare time in office runs out and they are forced to enter work force without insurance buying power of gov. employees then loose that job and can't afford insurance because the voucher program they passed is insufficient? "POETIC OR WHAT"
Posted by at 10:08 AM 

ULTIMATE POETIC JUSTICEhttp://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/09/15/1329341/-Daily-Kos-Elections-Morning-Digest-Anti-Obamacare-House-candidate-won-t-say-if-she-s-on-Obamacare?detail=email

Hello,what if all the republicans against healthcare time in office runs out and they are forced to enter work force without insurance buying power of gov. employees then loose that job and can't afford insurance because the voucher program they passed is insufficient? "POETIC OR WHAT"