Friday, September 12, 2014

Another Republican candidate implodes by telling the truth (update x5, Ready interview!!!)

Tom Ready in a photo from his Facebook page. More images and a video ...
This time in a televised local debate, in front of an audience of interested voters and party loyalists. A spectacular fail, and I'm not exaggerating.
"Legitimate rape", "Macaca", "47%", when we catch Republicans saying what they really believe, it's curtains. Tonight, at a local candidate forum, the Republican candidate for Pueblo County Commissioner essentially endorsed the Sandy Hook truther position.
Even his Republican cheerleaders, who showed up en masse to support their challenger, turned on him. The boos, gasps, and shouts of shock and contempt came from just about all of the ~200 folks in attendance. There may have been a few people with their tin foil hats in their pockets, but the very vocal outrage seemed unanimous.
The debate was essentially over at that point. The cheerleader applause after each of his answers was distinctly muted. Details below the cloud rising from his vaporized candidacy.
The guy's name is Dr. Tom Ready, a dentist, and his Democratic opponent is the incumbent Sal Pace, who's served in various elected positions including the Colorado state legislature.
Ready began an answer to one of the moderator's questions by talking about the ludicrously high electric rates in Pueblo county (they are) and then stated his belief that we should go back to coal because "coal is clean" (eye roll). During his two minute statement, Ready declared that the reason rates were so high was that a bill Pace voted for at the state level forced the local utility to dump coal plants for natural gas. Pace explained that he spoke directly with representatives of the utility in question before he voted, and they told him that they were planning to close their coal plant anyway, so the switch to natural gas wouldn't alter their rate structure.

republicans IMO who get caught up in truth telling are usually arguing a point they know is misleading when called on it they might as well be speaking in tongues because what ensues becomes a he said she said and eventually the exposing of true colors.  now clean coal to you and I an oxymoron to republicans trying to defend the indefensible a talking point that is IMO a mute point, first it comes from deep inside the earth and comes with all those elements, we've all seen trains of old smoke stacks or Koch bro. factories and homes that used coal before gas and electric and after wood the smoke from those chimneys created 2nd hand smoke and illness.

now they wash the coal it only removes surface contaminates then they drain it into local water supplies so it is not clean when dug up, not clean after washing, contaminating water and soil, and polluting the air when used.  I know those states that are coal states argue it's their living but how many have paid the price for those left that will be a statistic as well until there is no one left that can breathe and the rich automates the process further endangering lives.  more republican misleading misinformation you life has less value than a dollar bill. recognize