Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Walmart Video Shows John Crawford Was Shot on Sight By Cops With No Warning, Family Attorneys Say
John Crawford was the unfortunate black man holding a BB gun in the toy section of a Walmart Store in Beavercreek, OH, when police, in response to several 911 calls, shot and killed him on August 5, 2014.  Police have maintained that Crawford was waving the BB gun around in a threatening manner when they arrived and refused their commands to drop the "weapon" (even though Ohio is an "open carry" state), thus requiring his execution style death by cop.
However, Ohio Attorney General Mike Dewine, who assigned the case investigating the police homicide of Mr. Crawford to a special prosecutor, recently allowed family members and their attorneys to view the surveillance tape from the store that shows the moments up to and including John Crawford's shooting death by police.  After viewing that tape, the family's attorneys and Crawford's father dispute the police account of this incident in no uncertain terms:
Attorney Michael Wright said: "We need Mike DeWine to refer this case to the Department of Justice. Not to a special prosecutor."
Wright said Crawford did nothing wrong in Walmart. "Nothing more, nothing less than shopping."
Wright, who has seen store surveillance video of the shooting incident, said Crawford was shot while talking on the phone, holding the butt of the gun with the barrel pointed at the floor.
He said Crawford was "shot on sight" in a "militaristic" response.

well I finally got an answer I wondered how Black and Hispanics would be treated when it comes to all the gun liberty being doled out by state gov't you know the ones republicans want to give all the power to. I still wonder if they can get guns and carry permits as easily as the others.

complaining that leaks about the investigation have benefited the police shooters and denigrated John Crawford's character.
“Everything released is one-sided.  There is nothing favorable to John Crawford.  You can’t show different pieces, show it all, don’t trickle pieces to gain favor of the public, “said Michael Wright, Crawford family attorney.  Wright wants to see the release of events in chronological order. Wright says the video shows Crawford standing in the direction of some shelves.  He say Crawford was talking on his cell phone and probably did not see or hear the police officer sent to the store to investigate.  He said in one frame you see Crawford on the phone, the next you see him on the floor.

this is returning to epidemic times of old when it was open season on those not White but we have to look for another reason because the republicans state and nationally deny any racial divide or  profiling or their new law if they are black take a whack if that doesn't do shoot 'em too.  one ting they over looked all the carry guys brandishing have been White, which prompted my question are we in on that purchase and carry thing or is it just their game?

btw, the officer was placed on leave not arrested
not a lot of reserve by cops when you can get basically a paid vacation for killing Black men.