Thursday, August 28, 2014

Secret McConnell Recording Shows Need for Money in Politics Reform


Early this morning, The Nation published a leaked recording of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's remarks at a secret meeting of major conservative donors put together by the Koch brothers.
While the first reactions to the recording may highlight what this means for McConnell's Senate race against Alison Lundergan Grimes, the story carries deeper implications as well. At its core, this is a story about why we need to reform the way we finance elections.

the fact that the rich right wing that has proven it's out for it's self and McConnell himself said he wanted to make Pres. a one termer while others on that side of the street chanted with glee that they hope and want him to fail that is a direct message to voters of both parties that they want them to flounder for 4 years that turned into 8,  big money is not about making your life better it's about more money and power for them to keep the status quo.  that is reason enough to stop this lopsided political landscape.

In the audio recording, Sen. McConnell says everything that the Koch brothers want to hear. At the beginning of his remarks, he gushes to the brothers: "I don't know where we'd be without you." He rails against Senate votes on raising the minimum wage, extending unemployment benefits, and tackling student debt. It's no coincidence that he has received heaps of cash from wealthy special interests that oppose action on those issues. (Reporting today from The Huffington Post shows that at the same Koch retreat, Rep. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and state Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa -- both Republican nominees for U.S. Senate -- "directly credited donors present...for propelling them forward.")
This is increasingly what our political system looks like. Those who can bankroll candidates can help set the political agenda -- even if that agenda looks nothing like what the majority of Americans want it to look like.

they have tried to take what we have and deny us what we need we are in the throes of their recession while they are thriving but still want to deny us. recognize Nov.4th just do it, just say no to them.
please read the rest of the article.