Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fox News objects to calling Michael Brown an 'unarmed teen'

Fox & Friends' Steve Doocy with Linda Chavez, chyron 'Media Bias: Is 'Unarmed Teen' Description Misleading?'

It's almost uncanny how Fox & Friends can so reliably manage to be the stupidest of all possible punditry shows. The competition is fierce—I imagine Steve Doocy has to personally chug a gallon of tapioca semigloss every morning just to make sure he brings his 'A' game to the show—but they pull it off.
A Fox News segment asked whether the "unarmed teen" description of Michael Brown is misleading and featured Fox contributor Linda Chavez arguing that such a description enhances racial fears and is an attempt to play the "race card."
Well, he was a "teen" and he was "unarmed" so the phrase would seem to be as straight-news as you can get, but I'll bite. Go on.
During the segment on Fox, on-screen text asked if the "unarmed teen" description of Michael Brown was misleading while [today's guest crazy person Linda Chavez] argued that Brown was an adult male "who is six foot four and weighs almost three hundred pounds":

So this is where we are. We've got Steve Doocy and company arguing that calling the unarmed teen an "unarmed teen" is misleading, because unarmed American black teenagers are their own dangerous weapons. You shouldn't call him "unarmed" because the unarmed black teen walking down the street is armed with himself.

I have but one thought for F& F  hopefully giving them one thing at a time might help.

"BLACK PEOPLE ARE NOT A MENACE TO SOCIETY, SOCIETY IS A MENACE TO BLACK PEOPLE",  maybe looking at the other news media might clear it up for those who stand to close to the microwave.  when one shoots at an UNARMED" kid 6 to ten times with possibly 4 missing there is no question who is armed and who isn't.  DUH!!!!!