Monday, July 21, 2014

Jon Stewart exposes fake bluster behind impeachment push (and why there will not be one)

Last Thursday, Jon Stewart looked at Sarah Palin's call for impeachment, and the lawsuit ploy John Boehner is using instead.
Don't tell me you can't squeeze one little tyrant impeachment in your busy schedule of not passing laws. What's really going on here?

DICK CHENEY (7/15/2014): I think that gets to be a bit of a distraction, just like the impeachment of Bill Clinton did.
REP. JOHN DUNCAN, R-TN (7/15/2014): Another thing, it would fire up the base of the Democrats more than an impeachment action ... that it would turn off some of the independents who are right now leaning our way.
Yeah, and all that is really how you know all this talk of tyranny is bullshit. Because when your main concern about deposing a tyrant is how it will affect your party's chances in the upcoming midterm elections, that's not tyranny. Apparently Republicans can't impeach Obama, they can't beat him in an election, they definitely can't work with him, what's left to do? Use SnapChat to draw a dong on his face?

it's not about any of the things they are using as stepping stones to more power not governing not protecting us or the country.  the fact that they are even considering doing these things and don't because of it could ruin further their chances to win anything does not make them better it makes them the same conniving bastards that have only one conviction destroy the Pres. and this party so the gullible ones and the rest will run to them to save the country and "we the pople" souns awfully like Charles Manson's interpretation of Helter Skelter.

Anyway, the point is this.  Her point is, the real victim of children fleeing violence in central America is Latina Sarah Palin.  It might be easier to dismiss this call for impeachment as just another serving of Sarah Palin's patented word sausages, if not for the fact that people who didn't quit their elected offices mid-term are echoing it.
REP. DOUG COLLINS, R-GA (12/3/2013): You gotta go up there and you just impeach him. REP. KERRY BENTIVOLIO, R-MI (8/19/2013): Tell me how I can impeach the President of the United States. ... It would be a dream come true.
REP. MICHELE BACHMANN, R-MN (5/16/2013): There isn't a weekend that hasn't gone by that someone says to me, Michele, what in the world are you all waiting for in Congress?  Why aren't you impeaching the President?
The truth is, for most Republicans, impeachment is probably too good for this President.
REP. MICHELE BACHMANN, R-MN (1/30/2014): He declared himself King Obama. SEN. RAND PAUL, R-KY (1/16/2013): ... this king complex ...
REP. LOUIE GOHMERT, R-TX (5/16/2014): ... tyrannical despot ...
SEN. MARCO RUBIO, R-FL (6/3/2014): He's become a monarch or an emperor.
REP. LAMAR SMITH, R-TX (2/26/2014): ... totalitarian ...
REP. ALLEN WEST, R-FL (3/13/2012): ... dictatorship ...
REP. JOE WALSH, R-IL (6/16/2012): My God, he's a tyrant.
REP. RANDY WEBER, R-TX (10/4/2013): Tea Partiers knew in the colonies that King George's dictatorial methods wouldn't be tolerated.  We won't tolerate them here! ... I'm Randy Weber, and damn proud to be an American!
to all the right wing I have just one link for them all. then ask them how many of them are benefitting by his Presidency we know they are from ObamaCares what else???