Monday, July 21, 2014

Fox News Correspondent Has A Meltdown Over Obama's LGBT Non-Discrimination Order

Fox News correspondent Todd Starnes attacked an executive order prohibiting federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT employees, accusing the Obama administration of being "hell-bent on forcing Christians to assimilate to the militant LGBT agenda."
On July 21, President Obama signed an executive order prohibiting federal contractors from discriminating LGBT employees. The order amends existing non-discrimination executive orders to include sexual orientation and gender identity. As BuzzFeed's Chris Geidner reported, the order "contains no additional religious exemptions ... beyond those already contained in existing executive orders."
Fox's Starnes attacked the executive order in a July 21 post on, accusing the Obama administration of endangering religious liberty and "bullying religious groups that hold viewpoints it deems inappropriate":
The executive order would prevent Christian and other religious organizations with federal contracts from requiring workers to adhere to the tenets of their religious beliefs. And that includes religious Christian colleges and universities that provide financial aid to students.

what makes them holier than thou?  they don't want to except others but want others to except them they are doing what they are railing against that my friends is the epitome of hypocrisy dripping with bigotry. are they also forcing their ideology on others which is most egregious IMO the one who refuses to return the the respect, the ones wrapped in religion but practice anti religious God less bigotry they are by far the worse, Gay's are not expecting them to do anything the moral law of America they have long forgotten if they ever knew it is what demands that all are treated  equal because we are all God's children even though some don't believe it.