Sunday, June 22, 2014

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Op-Ed Editor Defends Decision To Drop George Will

George Will blames the internet for controversy over column - The Week
he needs to be heeled he's just as smug and self righteous as Brit Hume.  the news of people dropping him is well taken in those circles of not so emboldened right wing media darlings.

When the St. Louis Post-Dispatch decided to drop George Will after his offensive column on sexual assault victims, the paper was criticized by some for stifling certain viewpoints.
The paper's editorial page editor, Tony Messenger, on Sunday defended his decision to axe the column. He said that the column "victimized women" and that he wishes the paper hadn't published it in the first place.
“We found it very offensive to many of our readers, and that’s well within our rights on an editorial page, is to decide what sort of debate, what level of civility, what level of treatment of women who are sexual assault victims we're going to allow on our page," he said on CNN's "Reliable Sources."
"A lot of the responses that were negative to our decision accused us of doing so for political correctness," he continued. "That's not the case. We believe that the column trivializes sexual assault victims. We think it trivializes very serious attempts on campuses to deal with the scourge of sexual assault."
I still say the right wing is pro rape and any thing else that violates or attempts to dictate to women what they can and cannot do or have,  remember Issa's panel on women and contraception blaringly absent of any women,  if you think there is no war against women by republicans we pray one day you'll get out of G W Bush's box,  "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on".