Sunday, June 22, 2014

Dick Cheney Falls Apart and Admits That He Has No Answers On Iraq

you know the amost funny thing is after various right wingers come out blaming Pres. for all that's wrong in the world and what he should and what they would only when asked what's your plan they throw their hands in the air not a clue, so are we to believe their attack rhetoric on Pres. or their admission that they would basically be doing what he is which for a tribal war mongering party seems highly unlikely if not for Pres. we would be in at least 3 more wars.


When pressed on ABC’s This Week for a solution to the problems in Iraq, former vice president Dick Cheney’s Obama criticism fell apart as he couldn’t come up with an answer.
What would you be doing?
CHENEY: Well, first of all, Jon, I’d recognize that Iraq is not the whole problem. We’ve got a much bigger problem than just the current crisis in Iraq.
The Rand Corporation was out within the last week with a report that showed that there’s been a 58 percent increase in the number of groups like al Qaeda, Salafi jihadists. And it stretches from West Africa all across North Africa, East Africa, through the Middle East, all the way around to Indonesia, a doubling of the number of terrorists out there.
The first thing we have to do is recognize we’ve got a hell of a problem and it’s not just in Iraq. I worry about Pakistan. Just a couple of weeks ago in Pakistan, the Taliban, the same group that we just released five of the leaders of from Guantanamo, the Taliban raided Karachi Airport.
so systematically they are rebuking their own rants and accusations admitting they have been less then truthful all these years about Pres. is that a 2014-16 present for Dems?  wondering had they not ignored threat warnings from intelligence about Bi Laden and acted responsibly how much of the last 12 years would not have happened what would those thousands who died contributed to the world,  through their arrogance we'll never know.
read the rest of the article I really don't want to publish the fear mongering attempt by Cheyney to again frighten Americans into gullibleness and subject to right wing influence, been there done that and all we got was more misleading lies about their early days of treachery against Americans leading us into wars with a blank check for money and blood.  way not to leave bills on grand children, or just another lie.