Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Public says they won't vote for a climate change-denying president

U.S. Republican presidential candidates gather before the start of their debate in Ames, Iowa August 11, 2011. They are (from L to R) Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Huntsman and Newt Gingrich. REUTER

What the Republican base wants will screw the Republican Party, climate change edition:
A new Public Policy Polling survey finds that the carbon emission reduction standards announced by President Obama yesterday are popular with voters across the country, and that voters have little tolerance for a presidential candidate in 2016 who doesn’t believe that climate change is caused by human activity.
Given that the Republican candidate in 2016 will be required to deny exactly that, this does tend to simplify things.
Specifically, PPP found that voters strongly support the Obama emission standards (53 percent support, 35 percent oppose) and only 38 percent of voters said they'd be willing to vote for a presidential candidate who denied the link between human activity and climate change. Independents are even stronger believers, with only 29 percent willing to support a denier.
So there you go, future Republican candidates. Can't wait to see the general election efforts to dress up that pig.
oop's they stepped in their own elephant poop, after all the time denying and making fun of Pres. it comes down to most didn't believe them and are leaving them by the curb.  most recent Cruz with his "i don't believe it or what they are saying to stop it"  he just put himself in the back row, this will be hilarious watching the back peddling and 180 acts and last but not least Fox and the Foxettes coming to your livingroom soon.
