Thursday, June 5, 2014

McDaniel Campaign Caught in Another Lie

tea party candidate doesn't fall far from the party that cheats and lies.

McDaniel Campaign Press Release About Courthouse Incident Appears to be Pure Fabrication
The Chris McDaniel for US Senate campaign apparently continues its inability to simply tell the truth, and is now embroiled in another developing scandal.
I wrote late Wednesday night, McDaniel Staffer Involved in Hinds County Courthouse Incident, and then subsequently updated the article to include questions about the accuracy of the press release from the McDaniel camp.
The entire press release from Noel Fritsch, spokesman for Chris McDaniel, states:Last night with an extremely close election and Hinds being one of the last counties to report, our campaign sent people to the Hinds courthouse to obtain the outstanding numbers and observe the count.
In doing so, they entered the courthouse through an open door after being directed by uniformed personnel. They were then locked inside the building. At this point they sat down and called the county Republican chairman, a close Cochran ally, to help them get out. Eventually a Sheriff’s officer showed up and opened the door to let them out.
This was an honest mistake and the county sheriff’s office has indicated as such. The Clarion-Ledger reported the following: “Sheriff’s Department spokesman Othor Cain said today there was never a threat to any ballots or anything, all of those were already secured. Cain said the Sheriff Department filled out a report on the incident, but there’s no investigation or anything.”
  Both the sheriff’s spokesman and myself have been charitable calling the McDaniel statements “fabrications” when they are just outright lies, plain and simple.
Of course, this is not the first time the McDaniel campaign has issued a statement that was loaded with ambiguity, misdirection and apparent lies. It was less than a month ago the saga of Clayton Kelly broke; and the McDaniel camp bumbled and stumbled their way through it with a seemingly endless stream of conflicting and confounding statements.
  what do you suppose these guys were doing all that time free of  cameras and other election officials, one thing we do know is next day McDaniel is a point ahead and their alibi denies  it being true.  now if we look at all the dirty tactics of the tea people and this guy being their favorite in this race, why not continue their skulduggery  it worked before.  i think those who legitimately voted for him might have a change of mind given that seemingly being they are  drawn to a more moderate place than where the tea people want to keep going.  there is such a thing as too far right for the far right tea people are fencewalking