Friday, June 6, 2014

Media Hold McCain Accountable For His Flip-Flop On Prisoner Exchange

A growing number of mainstream media outlets are holding Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) accountable for flip-flopping on his support of a deal to release Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from Taliban capitivity.
McCain joined in the right-wing outcry that followed the White House's May 31 announcement that it had secured the release of Bergdahl, the only U.S. service member remaining in enemy hands from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, telling Politico that he "would not have made this deal" if he was the president and denyingthat he was ever told of the potential prisoner exchange in an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo.
McCain's rejection of the deal stood in stark contrast to his position on the issue just months ago, when he told CNN's Anderson Cooper that he "would be inclined to support" "an exchange of prisoners for our Americanfightingman," depending on the details -- an inconsistency the media initially missed.
Days later, Tapper went on to press McCain on the inconsistency. McCain disputed the "flip-flop charge" by noting that he'd made his support contingent on "the details." McCain said the details of the deal that secured Bergdahl's release "are outrageous" and "unacceptable."
no matter how much he tries to deny it's on video tape stupid forever more sitting there to counter your
next attempt to deny it's existence.  is he still recovering from 2012 or Palin or the guy in the WH?  his own party sanctions him from time to time because of his off the mark mixed up remarks. time to quit it.