Sunday, June 15, 2014

GOP Senator Calls Veteran’s Care ‘Entitlement’ We ‘Can’t Afford’


with all the horror stories around VA operations you would think there would be a little less tactless rants by the right but no that is an oxymoron.  remember they blame Pres. and his admin for the deaths screaming about investigations but before they waste more of our money should they not investigate congress's refusal to fund VA like they refused to fund our embassy's?  be careful who you assign blame it just might be the one's pointing who are the culprits.

The next time any Republican accuses President Obama or the Democrats of not supporting our veterans, please point them in the direction of Republican senator Jeff Sessions from Alabama who, along with only two other Senators – both Republican – voted against the bi-partisan veterans bill which aimed to ease the healthcare delays for veterans by giving them more access to private care and allowing the Department of Veterans Affairs the funds to open more clinics and hire more medical staff. It passed the House of Representatives unanimously. 

“I feel strongly we’ve got to do the right thing for our veterans. But I don’t think we should create a blank check, an unlimited entitlement program, now.”
This, coming from the party who charged America 24 billion dollars for an immigrant to read Green Eggs and Ham on the Senate floor.

are you seeing the absurdity of the republican rants and their never ending game of pinning their tales to the donkey, they cry cost, who pays for it but when it comes to their witch hunts our taxpayer money is no object after all they also brag that they hold the purse strings which by default makes them responsible for every dime spent not Pres., not any Blank check they have the final say so.  they do the dirt and try to sweep it on Pres.'s shoes.  way to not leave the bill on the grand kids.