Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Getting right down to the pure essence of the gun movement

Open Carry Texas Target baby aisle

Wonderful little quote in the Dallas Morning News about the latest iteration of gun freakdom:
Four days after Henry’s incident, Open Carry Tarrant held a rally in North Richland Hills. About 150 people participated. Most were men. In interviews, they revealed political leanings generally ranging from tea party to libertarian.
Nearly all were white.Participant Mark Thompson offered an explanation: Black people, he said, “are afraid to carry rifles because they’re afraid of being shot by police.”
This is what its always been about from the very beginning of the 'gun rights' movement. Its about white supremacy, pure and simple.
There was a time in America, prior to the 1960's, when gun ownership just wasn't that big a deal. Buy one, mind your business, don't be a crazy person. These folks didn't fear government tyranny, or a spouse who wanted to have her own life, or that the gays, blacks, jews, latinos, and other 'others' were coming to get them and their precious money.
 In fact, things were going so well that walking around with a gun was thought to be backward, a sign of a lack of proper civilization. Thats why the Wild West was so...wild. Uncivilized. Moving about freely unarmed, the rule of law, the proper use and deployment of law enforcement to deter crime...these things were considered accomplishments and progress. Not walking around armed was a once a luxury of those who could afford their own guards. But now, the luxury of living without constant fear of death began to be enjoyed by the common folk. This was a good thing.
Why did all that change?
Suddenly the need arose for guns at home. Then, really powerful guns at home. Then, guns outside the home, but concealed. Then high powered, extremely dangerous guns outside the home and out in the open. All following the same timeline as all these other people began demanding equality. Now, with a gay loving black president in office, the need is for high powered, extremely dangerous guns out in the open...EVERYWHERE.
But not for everyone.
Gun people are perfectly content with an America where white guys walk around with powerful weapons, and nobody else ever does without getting shot. They think the laws and the law enforcement appartus should further this goal. Gun industry people are happy to get rich bringing such a nation about. Even the apparent risk of routine massacres is not enough of a counterweight to temper this deep desire for supremacy.
Yes, everyone who isnt a white guy is very much afraid of being killed by the police or other white guys 'standing their ground.' Because when you add it all up...the 'War on Drugs'...'Three strikes and out'...'2nd Amendment rights' ... 'Pro Life' ... 'Entitlement Reform' ... 'Open Carry' ... 'Private Prisons' 'Big Government' ...'Family Values' ...'Low Taxes' ... 'Stand your Ground' and whatever the latest Republican fear fetish of the day is, in the end it all comes down to white guys who are afraid of losing authority over everyone else.
If the history of this country is any guide to the future, much like the Confederacy, the gun movement is a lost cause.
i can't do better justice to this article it conveys my sentiments almost to the word, we have such a hard time because we put what we think and want above the guy standing next to you early culture was to respect and give that person their space with no violation, this culture allows you to now kill that same guy under the same circumstance just because you want to in the name of standing your ground,  well while standing your ground and killing another are you now guilty of denying that guy you just shot and killed his space his ground to stand for are you just a murderer hiding behind the gift of license to kill by republican party.
each period in our history where guns proliferated society always ended in regulation and law changes, are we now no longer paying attention or are we allowing it to not be a break with regulation and sense and sensibility, guns kill Americans abroad in war or at home in war?