attribution: Dreamstime/Hongqi Zhang
The good Obamacare news just doesn't stop rolling in. A new study [$$$] in the Journal of Health Economics looked at what happens to young people who can stay on their parents' insurance plans while starting their professional lives, and finds far-reaching benefits. Reporting on the study, Business Insider explains the study and its findings.
Thirty-five states had adopted similar provisions previous to Obamacare between 1995-2010, in which people could stay on their parents' plans from age 24 up to 30. They looked at the results for those people.
The study determined the provision offers young adults more flexibility making both educational and work choices earlier in their lives. This flexibility leads to better employment matches for new workers entering the labor force. It also leads to higher overall wages, according to the study. […]Based on the provision's effect in those states and the fact more employers will have to provide coverage nationally under the Affordable Care Act, the study estimates the provision will increase wages by an average of 3.5% to 4.6% for people who were 18 or younger when the health-care overhaul passed.
The added flexibility in having health insurance benefited young people in a variety of ways, the study finds. Those who decide to attend college at later ages can save money—many colleges require health insurance, and staying on the family plan is a cheaper way to do that. But it also allows people more time in college or the opportunity to go on to graduate school. They aren't forced out into the job market to try to find employment with health insurance.
They also identify the end of "job-lock," a benefit of the law for people of all ages who won't be forced to remain in a job they might not like or that doesn't provide real advancement just for the health insurance. For younger people, it gives them the opportunity to find a better job match or possibly a higher-paying one.
why are we just hearing this it should have been a talking point to counter the lies produced by republican "think tanks. these are the kinds of things that the party should have been fighting back against republican negative misleadings, we need to demand more from our elected ones on both sides by both electorates we are being short changed for the dollars we spend for nothing but figureheads that are seemingly in it for the perks. demand more for your money, would you take inferior food at the store, than why take it in gov't when you won't stand for it anywhere else. recognize