Comprehensive immigration reform enjoys broad bipartisan support, but is particularly intense among Hispanic voters, who are most likely to weigh the issue heavily as they assess candidates, according to a new POLITICO poll of voters in places with the most competitive House and Senate races.
Seventy-one percent of likely voters surveyed — and nine of 10 Hispanics — said they back sweeping change to immigration laws. The support spans party lines: 64 percent of Republican respondents back comprehensive immigration reform, as do 78 percent of Democrats and 71 percent of independents.
so why are republicans still dragging their feet? i still say they know the vast majority will become Progressive voters and that is like bringing their own gun to their circular firing squad. it's a lose lose for them years of degradation and denial they are not going to rally to them because they now say "all is forgiven come to our side" they know day after election it's republican hi jinx as usual and that pig in the poke they just bought has wuiped off the lipstick.