Wednesday, May 14, 2014

CNN's Gingrich Advocates For "Teaching Gays How To Be Open And Understanding" Of Anti-Gay Views
and now for today's wing nut,

being out of touch is what makes the right wing so intolerant to say that Gays need to understand bigots is an assault on the law and those of us that favor all rights for all people including insufferable republican racist and bigots.  he seems oblivious to the fact that they are the ones holding up progress in this country financially and socially by not admitting their prejudices are passed down from their radical ancestors who also believed they were all that and a pork chop and the world has to change to accommodate their radical ideals. he's saying what republicans have said they don't need to change their "VALUES" now know s "PRINCIPLES" just the way they say it well 0 for 2  their records intact.