Will fight tyranny for food.
Dear mom and dad and cousin Sally: Please send moneys so that I can keep saving the world.
I am the Team Leader that took Charlie Delta, the black marine, out to Nevada along with two other volunteers that all did an outstanding job at the Bundy Ranch.
Remember me now? I'm the one who brought the black guy. That was my thing.
[W]e have spent our fortunes for freedom and love of our fellow man and need your help to continue our efforts to keep all Americans free from tyranny. Please if you can spare even a few dollars for food, fuel and supplies to continue the stand against tyranny and an overbearing governtment [sic] please help.
Well, you're keeping Cliven Bundy free from tyranny, and you brought the black guy, but what's in it for me? Right now the government is oppressing me by making me walk to my own mailbox every day—you have a plan for that, or are you too busy making sure some guy gets to park his cows wherever he wants? My neighbors' cows came into our field once when someone left a gate open, but he didn't send an armed militia to my back porch to make sure they could stay there because he's not a gigantic paranoid asshole.
is this a SNL skit or are they really this shallow, begging for money why doesn't Bundy use the money he owes the taxpayers to feed these unAmerican gov't denying losers, after all they are there on his behalf time to reciprocate break out that jar of pb and j on white bread and fresh cow milk right off the teat, was this a gov't plan to wait them out Pres. has shown us mental offense is a power tool and no one gets killed. would we great if that is the reason for their giving up, nah some right wing million/billionaire will drop food from their private helicopters, and the beat goes on until the monotony of sitting their menacing the cows gets old.
We'll see how long the team can hold out against the forces of tyranny now that their pockets are empty; something tells me Cliven isn't going to be springing for any food for his army any more than he'll be paying for food for his cattle. This particular defender of America was looking to raise $100,000 and got $170 (the page seems to be gone now, so Mission Accomplished, I guess), which will buy a few cases of beer and a full tank of gas to get to town and back on. After that, they'll have to start cooking their ammo.
Call me crazy, but I don't think these guys really planned this thing through.
ROFLMAO how long can Bundy stand behind the podium and preach false patriotism to a bunch of hungry rednecks oh and a Black guy. H I L A R I O U S