Thursday, April 24, 2014

WATCH: Rand Paul Says Jimmy Carter Was Better on the Budget Than Ronald Reagan The Kentucky senator has been hailing Reagan lately. But a few years ago, Paul routinely knocked the Republican icon as a fiscal failure

truth or gaffe, old news they stopped dragging Reagan's dead carcass out and hoisting it on their shoulders when they were re-informed that he raised taxes and the deficit in record amounts.

As Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) ponders a presidential bid, he has lately made efforts to wrap himself in the banner of Ronald Reagan. In op-eds and speeches, the libertarian tea partier has increasingly invoked the Republicans' most holy icon, especially after being attacked by members of his party's establishment who have accused him of isolationism.Writing in the Washington Post last week, Paul likened his nuanced approach to foreign policy to what he claimed was Reagan's embrace of "strategic ambiguity."
 A few days earlier, at a so-called "Freedom Summit" in New Hampshire, Paul hailed Reagan as the last president who presided over the creation of millions of jobs, asserting that after the Gipper lowered tax rates, 20 million jobs were created and "more revenue came in." ( concluded that Paul was "falsifying evidence"—and ignoring that more jobs were created during President Bill Clinton's tenure when tax rates went up.)
 But Paul hasn't always cast himself as much of a Reagan fan. In fact, when he stumped for his father in 2008 and again when ran for Senate in 2010, Paul often referred to the grand old man of the GOP with a touch of disappointment and criticism. And he routinely made an assertion that might seem like blasphemy to many Republicans: President Jimmy Carter had a better record on fiscal discipline than Reagan.

this guy really has a authenticity issue he seems to do better when plagiarizing then speaking his own words that is until he's busted for doing it without giving credit to the real authors.  he's trying to hard to be something he's not, an honest politician.  in his and his party's zeal to paint Pres. as ineffective and not knowing what he's doing the end up wearing that mantle themselves, that is a side effect of embellishing a lie you get so entangled you lose track of yourself and then the can of worms is opened for all to see.