Tuesday, April 15, 2014

WATCH: Fox's Year Of Shielding The Rich From Taxes


Fox News has repeatedly resisted calls to raise taxes on the wealthy and on corporations over the past year, often peddling a number of myths about the connection between top tax rates and economic growth.
In honor of Tax Day, here's Fox News protecting the rich over the past year:
some might still question the claims of the rich and wall street's prosperity under the Pres,  those are mostly on the right  wing side but it's a lie to say they are suffering and they know it, and even though they are doing well Fox and republicans still will not hear, vote or even talk about taxing rich and they still have not told us what loopholes they are willing to close last heard from they said they would tll us after 2012 election, almost 2 years nothing but crickets.

now listen to the hypocrisy the dribbles from the corners of their mouths in the for of misleading misinformation in their patented lockstep manner of delivery.
ps break out the popcorn.