Wednesday, April 16, 2014

This Is How We Win In 2014: GOP Congressman Believes Civil Rights Act Is Unconstitutional
As usual, Think Progress has the story:

And increasingly as usual, Ted Yoho (R-FL) is the one responsible.  
At a town hall meeting recently, while Presidents and Pundits alike were praising the Civil Rights Act of 1964, an African American constituent, Melvin Flournoy, asked Yoho if he thought the Civil Rights Act was Constitutional.  
Now, as the article states, the easy--and correct--answer is "yes" and then move on. But not Yoho. I guess there's some kind of special Tea People something that makes them open their mouths and stuff comes out:
“Is it constitutional, the Civil Rights Act?” Yoho repeated before giving his reply: “I wish I could answer that 100 percent.” The Florida Republican then went on to strongly imply it may be unconstitutional: “I know a lot of things that were passed are not constitutional, but I know it’s the law of the land.”
    FLOURNOY: Do you think that any part of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 [sic], do you think any part of that is constitutional? And then if you’d discuss why. [...]
    YOHO: This country grew through a lot of growing pain. We’re going through it again. As we grow as a country and prosper, we’re going to go through it again in the future. That’s why I’m so thankful for the Constitution because it allows us to do that. Is it constitutional, the Civil Rights Act? I wish I could answer that 100 percent. I know a lot of things that were passed are not constitutional, but I know it’s the law of the land.
you can trust the candor here is real only someone who really believes that would say it out loud in this venue in an election year or a republican dumb ass that immortalizes himself on video tape.
 Folks, this is why we're going to win in 2014. We have to be aggressive in showing the electorate that this is the NORM for the Republican Party, not the exception. We need to show that the Yohos, the Steve Kings, the Louis Gohmerts, that those people are the true face of the Republican Party, while at the same time showing all that we are able to do, and HAVE done--minimum wage, paycheck fairness, health care, you name it.

and we need to take a page from their playbook and doi it everyday and hour that we can we won last time on "YES WE CAN" and that same rallying cry will bring it home again "YES WE CAN".