Sunday, April 20, 2014

Rush Limbaugh Is In Ruins - Bad News Coming From Every Direction - Including The Right

there is a thing called going too far and racist Rush has over stayed his welcome.  Americans are opening their eyes to the skulduggery of the right wing propagandist and are tiring of the same thing day in day out, how many times can you repeat a lie and have it immediately rebuked in republican world the jury is still out on that one.

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It's been a very bad week for talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, and a very rewarding week for the millions of Americans who have protested his extreme hate speech for decades. Two years ago, newer groups like BoycottRush/FlushRush/StopRush began a massive national boycott movement that is exposing Limbaugh and crushing his career. Here are four new recent developments:
1. Politico published an article revealing that Tea Party organizations (some created by the Koch brothers) have contributed millions to Rush Limbaugh. What does this mean? For Rush, it means they helped sustain him while thousands of sponsors pulled their ads. It means this may lead to an investigation to see if the funding was done legally. According to the FCC, if you receive money from an organization that pays you to promote their propaganda, without telling your audience, it may be considered 'payola' - and it may be illegal.

"The Heritage Foundation at the end of January ended its five-year sponsorship of El Rushbo’s show, for which it had paid more than $2 million in some years and more than $9.5 million overall. In 2012, FreedomWorks paid at least $1.4 million to make him an endorser, though it’s not clear that the sponsorship is ongoing."
2. Forbes Senior Political Contributor and regular on Forbes On Fox, Rick Ungar, believes Rush Limbaugh has become a joke. He also shows, via data, that Limbaugh has outlived his audience. Ungar, also known as Forbes 'token lefty' implies Rush is now in the, toss out the old - bring in the new, demographic category. The median age of his dwindling audience (as well as the aforementioned sponsor boycott) no longer appeals to advertisers.
after awhile all shock jocks come to believe their ratings are validation of themselves so they embark on a tirade of personal  assumptions that no longer seem to be what the faithful audience is seeing in the rest of the world and then it begins the subtle downward spiral, subtle to those who are dependent and unseen till it becomes news by those of us who are not ditto heads.

how can you have any respect for yourself when you follow and cheer such insane rhetoric that comes from the likes of Glen Beck, racist Rush, and hollow Hannity and loud mouth wannabe O'Reilly that are not masters of the mislead because we who think for ourselves see right through them.  don't worry some right wing upstart media will pick him up and the ditto heads will all wet their pants trying to find the outlet.