okay again another 2fer, this argument is her's alone and by default she made it so, how can you put aside enrollment when that has been the topic since last year whether it would be reached by us and it will never be reached by them and they tried to make sure and their failing will go down in the books along with 2008 and 12 as the kings of skulduggery that that were only court jesters in the end.
According to the Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan, if you just ignore the millions of Americans who have gained insurance through the Affordable Care Act, then it's clear that the law is a huge mess.
- Over seven million Americans enrolled in health insurance through the ACA's exchanges by the end of the open enrollment period last week, a number that met the Congressional Budget Office's original sign-up estimate.
But if we "put aside" that success and "step back," Noonan argued in her April 3 column, then it becomes clear that the ACA is a "huge, historic mess." In other words, if you pretend that millions haven't been insured by the ACA, it's obvious that the law is an utter failure. And trying to repeal this mess is comparable to fighting a "manic" sea creature underwater:
so it is a train wreck and an abomination if you ignore the facts and except the misleading misinformation and out right bald faced lies of the right wing then BINGO they were right all the time, if only other people could do that what a wonderful world we might have had. now they'll say they lost the underwater fight because they ran out of oxygen, fractured republican fairy tales to say the least.
Given a program whose complexity is so utter and defeating that it defies any normal human attempt at comprehension, two things will happen. Those inclined to like the spirit of the thing will support it on the assumption the government knows what its [sic] doing. And the opposition will find it difficult to effectively oppose--or repeal the thing--because of the program's bureaucratic density and complexity. It's like wrestling a manic, many-armed squid in ink-darkened water.
After comparing the passage of the ACA to the decision to invade Iraq, Noonan dismissed the number of previously uninsured Americans who now have coverage:
What the bill declared it would do--insure tens of millions of uninsured Americans--it has not done. There are still tens of millions uninsured Americans. On the other hand, it has terrorized millions who did have insurance and lost it, or who still have insurance and may lose it.
Of course, estimates show that at least 9.5 million previously uninsured people have gained coverage through the exchanges and Medicaid expansion, an expansion Noonan simultaneously misrepresented and criticized.hey America according to her if you got health care from ACA you are a bunch of dupes, she is confused and her old timers must be kicking in, that analogy only applies to right wing base and what they have done to them,
G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on", kinda says it all.