Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bigoted Ohio Teacher Fired For Telling Black Student We Don’t “Need Another Black President”


Rush Limbaugh Doppelganger and former Ohio teacher, Gil Voigt, was fired after making some racially-tinged comments to a student about another black president. The Ohio teacher was allegedly fired after telling a young black student, who had hopes of someday becoming president, that “we do not need another black President.” Voigt, however, said that the student was a troublemaker and what he meant was that he doesn’t think the nation can afford another president like Barack Obama, “whether he’s black or white.” 
Ohio teacher
For example, Voigt once was accused of aiming a laser pointer at a student’s face and then calling the pupil an “African-American Rudolph.” Voigt would later weasel out of the accusation by claiming he was only repeating something another student had said.
“I have a laser pointer. I point to my notes and my smart board and so forth,” Voigt said. “I asked the young man two or three times to get up and he wouldn’t get up. I put the laser pointer on top of his nose for about a second.”
“The kid who was sitting next to him says, ‘Aww man he looks like an African American Rudolf,’ and I said, ‘You’re right, he does look like an African American Rudolf.’ Then he woke up and said, ‘What did you say about me? I’m gonna tell my mother on you!’ Blah blah blah. That’s where that one came from,” Voigt continued. (NY Daily News)
So maybe the Limbaugh doppelganger might have been victim of childish exaggeration, but then maybe not since there’s yet another example of Voigt talking to students as though he was at a Republican Presidential Debate.  Last year, Voigt was issued a verbal warning for calling a student “stupid” and for calling other students “gay.” Naturally, Voigt denied saying it.
why was this guy there to say these things he has a past he teaches Black kids who he obviously detest, the administration of our controversial schools and teachers are not doing their job they are not protecting kids from verbal predators that can scar and make a kid lose any semblance of self respect so how is that preparing them for the world?  it's not and it permeates the education system be aware of who's influencing your kid in his school as questions about the curriculum and ask your kid what he's being taught other than hopefully the three R's.