Thursday, April 10, 2014

Backlash Mounts Against Newspaper's Ted Nugent Concert
The director of a summer event sponsored by the The Blade of Toledo, OH, says the scheduled appearance of Ted Nugent is sparking a backlash from members of the community who take issue with the conservative commentator and musician's virulent commentary.
"All things being equal I wouldn't bring in a guy who is aggravating people, that is not my intention," said Mike Mori, The Blade's sales director, who is also event director for the Northwest Ohio Rib-Off, a four-day food and music event the newspaper has been running for four years. "It seems like this thing has kind of ballooned in the last couple months. I will probably think long and hard about inviting him next year."
The Blade announced today that Nugent, whose offensive comments about President Obama and other leaders have drawn criticism, will play the festival on August 8.
Mori said he has already received "quite a few" calls from readers objecting to the appearance. "It surprised me how many calls I got," he said. "I'm listening to the people and I probably will do something different next year if I can."

this is no more than flipping the birdie to the people of Ohio btw kudos to those who protest a sub human being. note he says hell consider not inviting Nugent, wait for it, "NEXT YEAR", that sounds awfully like stated it's on for this year.  were there more who bought tickets than phone calls in protest, you would think so if the concert goes on.  this will embolden him feeling those in attendance are all his supporters so look forward to more red meat tosses.  i know this sounds more like him than me but maybe he should watch his back more compassionate in this country that hateful racist evidenced by last two elections and equal rights for Americans that have been subject to right wing bigots.