Friday, April 18, 2014

An Idahoan shows Bundy what a real Western rancher is

Being a Westerner and the daughter and granddaughter of cattle ranchers, I think it's about time that the non-crazy Western ranchers get some equal national media time. Because they're not all federal government-hating, "wise use," sagebrush rebelling, gun-toting crazies—even in a state like Idaho. One of Idaho's most influential cattle ranchers and conservationists is proof of that. His name was Bud Purdy, and in his 96 years, he became sort of a legend in the state. Unfortunately, he passed away this week, but this remembrance from the Idaho Stateman's Rocky Barker tells the story.
Purdy, 96, led the ranching industry into rest and rotation grazing on public lands that both protected the range and improved cattle production. He duck-hunted and skied with Ernest Hemingway and hosted Jimmy Stewart and Gary Cooper at his Picabo Ranch.
 Purdy donated a 3,500-acre conservation easement on all of the ranch along Silver Creek in the 1990s to the Nature Conservancy, adjacent to its own Silver Creek Preserve. Purdy didn’t even take the tax break on the easement valued at $7 million. […]

this guy and right wing propagandist like Hannity are true to that lawless manifesto, this is what they had in mind when passing all those gun carry and conceal laws i've said it in recent post they are arming their side but we never hear of Blacks and Hispanics taking advantage of those laws got to wonder why because if they were it would be a rallying point for those clinging to their guns and Biblw which i hyave to believe is probably hollowed out with a gun in it, because the way they talk and act they never read it anyway.

now he's the beneficiary of right wing opportunist that see a chance to invoke conflict between them and the gov't, which would bring NRA and the rest of the OK corral out in support of more guns.  if they ever fire first they have no chance and they know it, that it is also why they talked of putting women and children in front of them in case it hit the fan.

that act alone dissolves any credibility they might have had with a lot of their own cause they got nothing coming over here they are breaking the law and daring the gov't to enforce it.  i think they should get their wish, then we can drone strike the hell out of them, remember the republicans not long ago were talking about the legality of drone strikes on Americans, well people like these don't qualify.