So the college Republicans commission a report to find out why their peers hate their party so much, and we can sit there and laugh that they spent money to discover the obvious:Words that up-for-grabs voters associate with the GOP: “The responses were brutal: closed-minded, racist, rigid, old-fashioned.”But there were some nuggets of good info in there, such as one-quarter of young voters won't even consider voting for a candidate who holds anti-gay views. I'm telling you, the millennials are changing this country for the better. On the other hand, we can go back to laughing when we see how these young Republicans react to that info:“On the ‘open-minded’ issue, yes, we will face serious difficulty so long as the issue of gay marriage remains on the table,” the authors wrote. “In the short term, the party ought to promote the diversity of thought within its ranks and make clear that we welcome healthy debate on the policy topic at hand.”
we know the times are changing and each generation is less tolerable of those who are intolerable right down to their parents, another sign of the demise of those who despise. did they forget they are trying to keep tuition out of reach and not making higher education the launch pad to the world without a mountain or two of debt yes they hate the haters live by iy die by it.
Republicans need to avoid allowing the abortion debate to be "conflated" with debates over contraception, rape and Planned Parenthood, the report recommended.
"If we don't believe that Republicans are the 'fend for yourself' party, then it's time for us to explain why — and to show our work," the report said. "This will go a long way overall, but particularly with Latino voters, who tend to think the GOP couldn't care less about them."Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Have they taken a look at their party recently? They can't "promote diversity" because the very word "diversity" is anathema to the GOP. Witness GOProud's inability to exhibit at CPAC, lest the party's Christianists boycott the event. And they are absolutely the party of "fend for yourself." Where do you think that "43 percent" @!$%# comes from, or the "you didn't built that" hysteria of 2012?
people are beginning to realize "hey they already said that 1,000 times" old and moldy is not something that attracts added to the hypocrisy dripping from every condescending racist, bigoted word you can't keep promising change and have your cohorts on a daily basis countermand the message, and besides we all know you cant be you for centuries then in a few months be someone who cares, they know it won't sell but they knock on your door anyway.
it's a little rough when your future members hate you, signs of a dying ideology