“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”
The most remarkable thing about Arizona’s “License To Discriminate” bill is how quickly it became anathema, even among Republicans. Both 2008 GOP presidential candidate John McCain and 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney called upon Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to veto this effort to protect businesses that want to discriminate against gay people. So did Arizona’s other senator, Jeff Flake. And former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Indeed, three state senators who voted for this very bill urged Brewer to veto it before she finally did so on Wednesday, confessing that they “made a mistake” when they voted for it to become law.
The premise of the bill is that discrimination becomes acceptable so long as it is packaged inside a religious wrapper. As Arizona state Rep. Eddie Farnsworth (R) explained, lawmakers introduced it in response to instances where anti-gay business owners in other states were “punished for their religious beliefs” after they denied service to gay customers in violation of a state anti-discrimination law.
do you believe Jesus would approve of this or would he condemn the bigotry that is this ideology? evangelicals have usurped the Bible and it's teaching and have gone as far as to claim communication with God, but all they preach and do and subscribe to are not tenets of Christianity.
IMO it is just a tool of control used by those blasphemors who discovered the gullibility of those who believe, but do they believe they have allowed all things not of God to dominate their "worshiping", how faithful is it to completely turn your belief in to a sanctimonious vehicle of racist bigoted hate, does your God teach that?
people tend to corrupt religion so it is personal, though it is, it is not as well, you can't make up the rules that is what the Bible is for a guide. it is in the sense you feel what you feel devotion is as far s you feel it, but misleading fictitious facts are everlasting, as long as there are those who promote it and those not comfortable in their own belief enough to trust what they know is right.