Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rand Paul And The Fringe Birther Media Have The Same Pollster

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has again dipped into the fringes of the conservative media for support. The Washington Post reported that Paul is building a national network to potentially support a 2016 presidential run, and is using Fritz Wenzel as his pollster.
Wenzel is a birther who has called President Obama an "imposter," and teamed up with conspiracy site WND to push dubious polling about the president's birth certificate. In addition to promoting conspiracy theories, Wenzel is also an objectively poor pollster. He has a long history of offering wild electoral predictions,prompting Slate reporter Dave Weigel to dub him the "pollster that's always wrong."
Wenzel's WND polling isn't limited to birtherism. WND articles about his polls carry headlines like, "AMERICANS WANT 'GAY' LESSONS BANISHED"; "POLL: SEEDS OF TYRANNY PRESENT IN AMERICA"; "ANSWER TO BENGHAZI OBFUSCATION? IMPEACHMENT";  and "POLL: PALIN WOULD STIR UP EVEN DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY" (a poll that claimed Palin would be competitive against Obama in aDemocratic primary).
Wenzel's problematic history means the media should treat his polling and analysis skeptically as Paul ramps up his presidential efforts.
The website of Wenzel Strategies touts an endorsement from Paul, who states: "Fritz Wenzel and Wenzel Strategies played a crucial role in my [Senate] election victory ... He is smart, swift, great to work with, and provides top-quality work. I would recommend him to any political campaign." Wenzel was also the pollster for Ron Paul's 2012 presidential campaign.

does take long no matter how many new clothes they put on the stench of the old radical discrimination seeps through, he's been claiming his intent to embrace the Black ad Hispanic's in their own neighborhoods but gets support from the good ol boyz network of misinformation, they have, do and will always be racist bigoted haters who presume to tell us who and what we are and what our major malfunction is, except in reality it's them that are the cause of any perceived malfunction it's persistent because they won't admit it, in their heads can't fix what ain't broken.

nothing has changed comes from their mouths a word here or their but state they need not change their "VALUES" now known as "PRINCIPLES" same game with another name still played the same way and that playing field will never be level for us. recognize