Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hannity Complains That Obamacare May Allow Mothers To Spend More Time With Their Children | Video |

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Hannity misleading and inserting is assumption for what VP Biden says on the view, check out the video.
h3e is implying that women who have the option of working just to get insurance Hannity tries to make it a welfare issue, women know whether they need to work or not families have another bread winner so she can be with the kid and the bills still get paid,
he is misinforming those who listen to him and blaming Biden for creating welfare moms and at the end he admits if it were his situation he would take a second job. he implies that we would have to take care of those moms who stay home.
this is a fox standard MO take the part they can twist and make their stand probably why every one of those times the failed.
Hannity isn't he the guy that had 3 fake disgruntled ObaaCares on his show that were later proven to be frauds?