Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fox Pretends Obamacare Contraception Coverage Includes "Euthanasia And Abortion"

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first of all there has been no report on the share holders of any corp. trying to deny women workers contraception, we have heard only from those who head these orgs. and their desire to impose a questionable religious belief on those in their employ, forcing them to come under their will denying them freedom of choice, the same freedoms they claim the gov't is trying to take from them.
sounds like pot kettle syndrome to me.
IMO this is not really about religion just the usurping of it to get around an expense of doing business, looking out for your employees.  we all know that contraceptives aren't always for contraception some need it for medical problems unique to women, that is ignored and only preventing birth is their argument.
they've gone so far as to give fetus's rights to own property, 1100 laws introduced to deny women abortion there is a war on women and hypocrisy about birth, they rally around no abortion, but give poor to prenatal care by closing orgs like planned parenthood who did much more than abortions, after birth to food stamps, no post natal care nothing where they stood protesting but crickets.