Tuesday, February 18, 2014

US Natural Gas System Leaks Far More Methane Than Previously Thought, Research Finds


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The US natural gas system leaks far more methane than had been estimated previously, according to a new report that synthesizes the results of more than 200 different studies across a number of different fields of research.
This work comprises the first thorough comparison of evidence on natural gas system leaks in the US, and shows, unequivocally, that major organizations (such as the EPA) have greatly underestimated total US methane emissions.
Given the great effect that methane has on the climate (30 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas), the findings are certainly notable — to put it lightly….
“People who go out and actually measure methane pretty consistently find more emissions than we expect,” stated the lead author of the new analysis, Adam Brandt, an assistant professor of energy resources engineering at Stanford University. “Atmospheric tests covering the entire country indicate emissions around 50% more than EPA estimates. And that’s a moderate estimate.”
this is a good example of our need for regulatory agencies the ones the republicans are under funding and trying to close in favor of big business pollution and waste shortcuts.
now suppose Romney got in and they proceeded to close the agencies that protect us from them and their benefactors, even though with sub funding there was an awareness that it happens without you would find out when;
The new analysis, which is authored by researchers from seven universities, several national laboratories and federal government bodies, and other organizations, found these atmospheric studies covering very large areas consistently indicate total US methane emissions of about 25% to 75% higher than the EPA estimate.
Some of the difference is accounted for by the EPA’s focus on emissions caused by human activity. The EPA excludes natural methane sources like geologic seeps and wetlands, which atmospheric samples unavoidably include. The EPA likewise does not include some emissions caused by human activity, such as abandoned oil and gas wells, because the amounts of associated methane are unknown.
expect resistance from republicans remember they don't believe in science or scientist that don't confirm their misleading, wink, nod /sarc  if i'm right and they are just in opposition because if not they would have no leg to stand on for regulation.