Thursday, February 6, 2014

House Republicans Continue To Falsely Claim President Obama And IRS Committed Crimes

On Wednesday, our own Sarah Jones detailed how the so-called IRS ‘scandal’ had shown itself to be absolutely nothing. She also stated that Republicans were trying to find a way to sulk away from their over-the-top accusations over the past year. Well, it seems that there are still some members of Congress that are seeing if they can still make some hay from this non-issue.

During a recent subcommittee hearing conducted by the House Ways and Means Committee, Republicans continued to push their false accusations that the President somehow committed crimes against conservative political groups by using the IRS to audit them. For most sane people at this point, the so-called IRS ‘scandal’ is non-existent. It has been pretty much established now that there was no specific targeting of Tea Party groups by the Obama Administration for political payback.
Instead, there was a large influx of conservative political groups applying for tax-exempt status in the wake of President Obama’s first election victory. Therefore, employees at the IRS placed a number of these political groups, many of whom were associated with the Tea Party, on BOLO (Be On the Look Out) lists and requested further information before approving their tax-exempt statuses. Essentially, these groups were obviously political in nature, and in order to get tax-exempt status, they needed to show that the majority of their actions went towards ‘social welfare’ rather than political activities.
it would be naive to think with the millions flowing through these republican groups that they would not be funneling it to their campaigners, Rove had 300 million need anything else Koch money and other big business want deregulation and a politician in the pocket.
Rove's people were pissed that they lost if they were legit why blame him for Romney lost that little bit of money is nothing compared to the 300 million, who's zoomin' who?