Saturday, January 18, 2014

Nancy Grace: People on pot shoot each other, strangle each other, and kill whole families

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On Tuesday, Nancy Grace claimed that people on marijuana shoot, stab and strangle each other, and that children shouldn’t bear witness to their parents drinking soda.
Grace first asked the Director of Communications for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), Mason Tvert, what the MPP is and whether “you get paid by them.”
“Yes,” Tvert replied. “That’s my job, and our mission is to end marijuana prohibition and replace it with a system where marijuana is regulated and taxed and treated similarly to alcohol.”
It’s the system,” he continued, “that a majority of Americans now think would be a much preferable system to the one we have.”
Sensing an opportunity, Grace responded, “in a nutshell, could you say why you think marijuana should be legalized — because, I mean, you know it’s addictive, highly addictive.”
Tvert replied that “marijuana’s addictive properties have been found to be actually pretty mild compared to alcohol and tobacco, and even caffeine.”
“So you — you are admitting it is addictive,” Grace interjected.
“Yes,” Tvert replied, “so is sex, so are video games.”
“So you’re admitting it! You’re admitting it!
 spinning around till she falls down i can imagine her saying that with the country i gotcha voice, drama queen she is.  is this that rating comedy drama?
and then there were 3, Palin, Bachmann and now her.
this may answer the question why right wing women stay in the abusive relationship of the republican party, they are nutz.
was her grandparents the producer's of "REEFER MADNESS"?
After Tvert calmed Grace down by pointing out that many recreational users are “normal people, just like you, who enjoy using marijuana for the same reason people enjoy having a drink after work,” Grace again interrupted him.
“The reason I’m against legalization is that I’ve seen too many felonies — felonies — and I don’t mean pot sales or growing pot,” she continued. “I mean people on pot that shoot each other, that stab each other, that strangle each other, that kill whole families — wipe out a whole family.”
“You sound like you’re from the 1930s,” Tvert responded.
this is the 21st century "REEFER MADNESS" the inference felt through her quote speaks to a personal nerve being pinched, family guilt?  when i smoked regularly all i did was laugh and eat, i loved being able to be totally stupid during the high, and don't know anyone who was ever or ever mentioned violence and the hemp the better it was the cooler you thought you were, last thing on your mind was violence, we called that "blowing my high"  60's style.