Thursday, January 2, 2014

Republicans Get Dumber: New Poll Shows Even More Of Them Reject Science
Science divide between Democrats and Republicans widens, poll reveals.
Republicans and Democrats are now divided by more than the usual political issues. According to a new survey, belief in scientific evidence is now a major difference

Republicans are even more anti-science than four years ago, new poll reveals.

Science is supported by facts and evidence, yet it’s these very facts and evidence that a majority of Republicans now deny and reject. A new Pew Research Poll asked Democratic, Republican, and Independent voters their views on biological evolution. The good news is that most Americans stand with scientific fact. The bad news is that one party doesn’t. Apparently, GOP voters have opted to ditch intelligence in favor of religious dogma.
According to the poll, 67 percent of Democrats acknowledge that all living things on Earth evolved over time. That’s up by three points from a 2009 poll. 65 percent of Independents also agree that evolution is a real process supported by scientific evidence. On the flip side, Republican support for evolution science has reversed. In 2009, 54 percent of Republicans believed in evolution. Four years later, that number now stands at 43 percent. More Republicans now reject evolution than support it. Apparently, stupidity has become a Republican value as the party shifts further to the extreme right-wing.
what we see is republicans sticking to their talking point denying science they are all not idiots except wen following idiotic orders, but it is about regulation and big business having to spend more, but they spend millions collectively billion to prevent spending a fraction of what adherence would cost to be legal, without the regulation they turn more profit because then they can shortcut and get rid of waste the old fashion way dump it someones back yard or some kid's swimming hole or disperse it in the air and eventually they will reduce global warming because pollution would block out the sun and we well we turn into Popsicles.